1st Grade Subtraction Worksheet

In 1st grade subtraction worksheet we will solve the problems on subtraction facts, subtraction of tens, subtracting tens and ones and word problems on subtraction.

1. (i) Cross out 5 balloons. How many left? __________.

1st Grade Subtraction

(ii) Cross out 2 lemons. How many left? __________.

1st Grade Subtraction

(iii) Cross out 3 watermelons. How many left? __________.

1st Grade Subtraction

(iv) Cross out 4 ice-creams. How many left? __________.

1st Grade Subtraction

2. (i) Take away 3 from 6. How many left?

(ii) Take away 6 from 9. How many left?

(iii) Take away 0 from 5. How many left?

(iv) Take away 3 from 3. How many left?

3. A number subtracted from itself gives _____ .

4. (i) 7 – 1 = .........

(ii) 7 – 6 = .........

(iii) 8 – 8 = .........

(iv) 9 – 8 = .........

5. Ron has 6 pens. David has 9 pens. How many pens does David have more than Ron?

6. Write the number and cross out the objects that are taken away.


1st Grade Subtraction Worksheet

6 - __ = 4


1st Grade Subtraction Worksheet

8 - __ = 4


1st Grade Subtraction Worksheet

9 - _ = 1


1st Grade Subtraction Worksheet

5 - _ = 5

7. (i) 3 taken away from 5 is .........

(ii) 2 taken away from 6 is .........

8. Find the difference:

(i) 4 – 1 =

(ii) 8 – 7 =

(iii) 4 – 4 =

(iv) 9 – 0 =

9. Find the difference.



             -      1




             -      4




             -      2




             -      8


10. Gary has 7 candies. His sister has 3 candies. How many more candies does Gary have than his sister?

11. Match the pictures with subtraction sentences.


30 - 20 = 10


1st Grade Subtraction Worksheet


70 - 40 = 30


1st Grade Subtraction Worksheet


40 - 20 = 20


1st Grade Subtraction Worksheet


60 - 20 = 40


1st Grade Subtraction Worksheet

12. Which picture shows 45 - 20. Tick the correct answer.


1st Grade Subtraction Worksheet


1st Grade Subtraction Worksheet


1st Grade Subtraction Worksheet

13. (i) 4 tens + 6 ones – 2 tens = ____

(ii) 9 tens + 1 ones – 6 tens = _____

(iii) 8 tens + 8 ones – 8 tens = _____

14. (i) Difference of 83 – 3 is _____

(ii) Difference of 59 – 9 is _____

15. Ana has 49 books. 9 of them are story books and remaining comic books. How many comic books does Ana have?

16. Fill in the blanks:

(i) 46 – 6 = _____

(ii) 54 – 50 = _____

(iii) 77 – 70 = _____

(iv) 66 – 20 = _____

17. Match the following:

(i) 19 - 9

(ii) 85 – 4

(iii) 38 – 21

(iv) 89 - 28

a. 61

b. 17

c. 81

d. 10

18. Write in column form and subtract.

(i) 58 - 35

Column form Subtraction

(ii) 96 – 44

Column form Subtraction

(iii) 29 – 23

Column form Subtraction

(iv) 71 – 60

Column form Subtraction

19. Write T for true or F for false.

(i) 73 has 7 tens and 3 ones.         _____

(ii) 80 has 8 ones.         _____

(iii) 46 has 4 ones and 6 tens.         _____

(iv) 90 has 9 tens.         _____

20. Aaron scored 37 runs and Andy scored 25 runs in the match. How many runs has Aaron scored more than Andy? ______.

Addition or Subtraction:

21. Write A for addition and S for subtraction.

(i) Ina library there are many books. Some books were given to children. How many books are left in the library? _____

(ii) In a garden there are some red flowers and some yellow flowers. How many flowers are there in all? _____

(iii) A shopkeeper sold some bottles of orange juice and some bottles of lemon juice. How many bottles did he sell altogether? _____

(iv) Some children are going home in the school bus. A few children get out at the first stop. How many children are still in the bus? _____

(v) There are some biscuit packets in a box. Ron finds some packets are broken. How many packets are not broken? _____

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