In math worksheet on bar graphs students can practice the questions on how to make and read bar graphs or column graphs. Test your knowledge by practicing this graphing worksheet where we will find some of the numerical data is given to us and then we need to represent it by a bar chart on a graph paper. Here, the questions are mainly based on charts and graphs worksheets where the information is given according to the question.
1. The marks of a student in different subjects are given below:
Subject | French | English | Math | Science | Social |
Marks |
Draw a bar graph from the above information.
2. The below table shows the favorites games of 250 students of a school.
Games | Swimming | Badminton | Football | Tennis | Cricket |
No. of student |
Represent the above data by a bar graph.
3. The following table shows the year wise strength of a dancing school.
Year | 2006-07 | 2007-08 | 2008-09 | 2009-10 | 2010-11 |
No. of Students |
Represent the above data by a bar graph.
4. The following table shows the number of scooter produced by a company during six consecutive years.
Year | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 |
No. of Scooters |
Draw a bar graph to represent the above data.
5. The birth rate per thousands in five countries over a period of time is shown below:
Country | China | India | Jermany | UK | Sweden |
Birth rate per thousand |
Represent the above data by a bar graph.
6. The population in lakhs of six Indian states as estimated in 2001 is given below:
State | Population (in lakhs) | |
Bihar | ||
Jharkhand | ||
Uttar Pradesh | ||
Uttranchal | ||
Madhya Pradesh | ||
Chattisgarh |
Represent the above data by a bar graph.
7. The following data shows India’s total population (in millions) from 1951 to 2001.
Year of Census | 1951 | 1961 | 1971 | 1981 | 1991 | 2001 |
Population (in millions) |
Represent the above data by a bar graph.
8. The following table shows the interest paid by India (in thousand crore rupees) on external debts during the period 1998—99 to 2002—03.
Year | 1998-99 | 1999-00 | 2000-01 | 2001-02 | 2002-03 |
Draw a bar graph to represent the above data.
9. The air distances of four cities from Delhi (in km) are given below:
City | Kolkata | Mumbai | Chennai | Hyderabad |
Distance form Delhi (in KM) |
Draw a bar graph to represent the above data.
10. The following table shows the life expectancy (average age to which people live) in various countries in a particular year.
Country | Japan | India | Britain | Ethiopia | Cambodia |
Represent the above data by a bar graph.
11. The following table shows the market position of different types of soaps
Brands | A | B | C | D | Others |
Percentage of buyer |
Draw a bar graph to represent the above data.
12. Various modes of transport used by 1850 students of a school are given below:
School Bus | Private Bus | Bicycle | Rickshaw | By Foot |
Draw a bar graph to represent the above data.
13. Look at the bar graph given below:
Read it carefully and answer the following questions.
(i) What information does the bar graph give?
(ii) In which subject is the student very good
(iii) In which subject is he poor?
(iv) What are the average of his marks?
14. A survey was conducted among the students of class IV to find their favorite subject. The collected information is represented in the form of a bar graph. Observe the graph and answer the following questions.
(i) How many students participated in the survey?
(ii) How many students had Mathematics as their favourite subject?
(iii) Which subject was least favourite?
(iv) What is the difference between the number of students who liked Hindi and English?
(v) What is your favourite subject?
(vi) Show the above data in the form of tally marks.
15. In a survey of 85 families of a colony, the number of members in each family was recorded, and the data has been represented by the following bar graph.
Read the bar graph carefully and answer the following questions:
(i) What information does the bar graph give?
(ii) How many families have 3 members?
(iii) How many people live alone?
(iv) Which type of family is the most common? How many members are there in each family of this kind?
16. Observe the graph given below and given a suitable title to it. Complete the given table.
Title: ________________________
S.No (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) |
TV Channels Cartoon Network National Geographic Discovery Animal Planet Music Channel |
Number of Students __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ |
17. The following bar graph shows the monthly expenditure of a student for different months:
Answer the following questions:
(i) How much more money was spent in May than February?
(ii) In which month was maximum money spent?
(iii) How much money was spent in January?
(iv) What does the graph represent?
(v)) How much money was spent in May?
(vi) In which month was minimum money spent?
18. The following bar graph shows the number of different cattle in a village:
Answer the following questions:
(i) What is on the horizontal scale of the graph?
(ii) What is on the vertical scale of the graph?
(iii) Give a suitable title for the bar graph.
(iv) Which animal is maximum in number?
(v) How many goats are there in the village?
(vi) How many camels are there in the village?
19. Read the given bar graph and answer the following questions carefully:
(i) What does the graph show?
(ii) What is the difference between the number of students who play Tennis and Football?
(iii) Which sport is played by most of the students?
(iv) Name the sport which is played by 60 students.
(v) Which sport is the least popular among the students?
(vi) How many students play cricket?
20. Read the following bar graph and answer the questions that follow.
(i) Which month shows a rainfall of 30 cm?
(a) July
(b) August
(c) September
(d) all of them
(ii) How much rainfall is recorded in the month of July?
(a) 10 cm
(b) 20 cm
(c) 30 cm
(d) 40 cm
(iii) In which month is there rainfall?
(a) July
(b) August
(c) September
(d) all of them
21. Bar graph shows the amount of rice production during the years 2005 to 2009.
Read the bar group and answer the following questions:
(i) In which year was the rice production maximum?
(ii) In which year was the rice production minimum?
(iii) In which two years the rice production was same?
(iv) How many tonnes of rice productions in 2009 was more than rice production in 2007.
22. Read the following bar graph.
Now answer the following questions.
(i) How much oil is produced by Haldia Oil Refinery?
(ii) What is the information given by the bar graph?
(iii) Which oil refinery produces maximum oil?
(iv) Which oil refinery produces minimum oil?
23. In a school, the number of students using various modes of transport is shown in the following bar graph?
Read the graph and answer the following questions:
(i) How many students go by car?
(ii) How many students travel by bus?
(iii) Which mode of transport is most commonly used?
(iv) Which mode of transport is least used?
24. Aman recorded the temperature at 3 p.m. for a week as follows.
Days |
Temperature (°C) |
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday |
30 35 40 40 30 38 32 |
Draw its bar graph.
25. The following table shows the production of cars of a company during different years. Draw its bar graph:
Year |
Number of Cars |
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 |
22000 25000 20000 26000 30000 32000 |
26. The number of students reading in different classes in a school is shown below:
Number of Classes |
Number of Students |
Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI |
60 40 35 40 30 42 |
Draw a bar graph (taking 1 big division =5 students) and answer the following question:
(i) In which class the number of students are maximum?
(ii) Which class has the minimum number of students?
27. Construct a bar graph to represent the following information:
Name |
Money Spent on Dress (in $) |
James |
250 |
Jennifer |
300 |
David |
400 |
Jessica |
500 |
Answers for worksheet on bar graph are given below to check the exact answers of the given questions.
13. (i) It shows the marks obtained by a student in five subjects
(ii) Mathematics
(iii) HIidi
(iv) 56
14. (i) 20
(ii) 3
(iii) Mathematics
(iv) 1
15. It gives the number of families containing 2, 3, 4, 5 members each.
(ii) 40
(iii) none
(iv) Family having 3 members, 3 members.
16. (i) 8
(ii) 3
(iii) 5
(iv) 9
(v) 5
17. (i) ₹ 100
(ii) April
(iii) ₹ 650
(iv) The Graph represents the Monthly Expenditure of students in 5 different months.
(v)) ₹ 550
(vi) February
18. (i) Cattle
(ii) Number of Cattle
(iii) Number of different Cattle in a village.
(iv) Cow
(v) 20
(vi) 5
19. (i) Various sports played by the students in a school.
(ii) 30 students
(iii) Football
(iv) Tennis
(v) Volleyball
(vi) 85 students
20. (i) (c) September
(ii) (b) 20 cm
(iii) (d) all of them
21. (i) 2009
(ii) 2006
(iii) 2005 and 2008
(iv) 25 thousand tonnes
22. (i) 2 lakh tonnes
(ii) Production of oil in refineries
(iii) Mathura
(iv) Haldia
23. (i) 150
(ii) 450
(iii )Bus
(iv) Car
● Constructing and Interpreting Bar Graphs or Column Graphs
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